Upcoming Events
Join us for more events in 2025! Join the Board or Volunteer! An ATD Board position can help grow your leadership skills and network with some of the greatest minds in the industry. Contact Chapter Co-President, Ross Tartell, at rtartell@optonline.net Marketing Sponsorship Not ready to join our Board? Every role counts to the success of the chapter. Ask about it today. We meet once a month, bringing together an amazing group of talent development professionals to network with peers from the corporate, consulting and technology worlds. Every month we feature leading thinkers from across the talent development landscape that share practical tips you can use in your own position. ATD CT encourages participation from everyone with an interest in L&D, welcoming diversity of thought, approach and background. | Join our Zoom Meeting, on Monday, Feb. 10, 2025 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Comparing Interpersonal
Style Models
Program Description: Style Meets Learning Strategy So many to choose from, which one do you need? Years ago, there were three main models: Social Styles, MBTI, DiSC. Now the number has grown dramatically to include Insights Discovery, Business Chemistry, Birkman, Animals and Birds! This workshop will examine the eight most popular "Four style" models, their histories of origin, compare 3 models deeply, including features and how they can best be used to meet your objectives. Key Takeaways:
We look forward to educating you, demystifying the tools, Speaker Bio: David Gilman, President of Gilman Performance Solutions, a major consulting firm for communication skills, interpersonal styles applied to leadership, team and sales development. GPS has provided Style Programs to 100+ clients from Fortune 50 to under 50 team members. David is formerly an internal Learning Leader at a Fortune 200 company, Prudential and GE Capital before consulting. ---------------------------------------- Join us - become a Member!Our local ATDCT chapter offers its membership on the ATD Store. |
Code: CH1076 Use our ChIP Code at checkout in the Funds go to benefit our Chapter programs and events |
Stay Networked! | Are You Job Bored? |
ATD mission is facilitating | ATD's Job Board is |
We thank our Members for their continued support! |
ATD Connecticut Chapter 116 Washington Post Dr. Join us - become a Member!Our local ATDCT chapter offers its membership on the ATD Store. Join us - become a Member! Our local ATDCT chapter offers its membership on the ATD Store. To join ATDCT (and National for Power Membership), visit td.org/membership to: - Purchase your local Chapter and National ATD membership with one payment - Receive a $30 discount on your National membership - Update your membership end-dates - Send a portion of your dues back to our Chapter to support our programming and activities to:- Purchase your local Chapter and National ATD membership with one payment - Receive a $30 discount on your National membership - Update your membership end-dates - Send a portion of your dues back to our Chapter to support our programming and activities |
ATD Connecticut Chapter © 2024